Oof, it's hot. I think it's supposed to be 106 here today. Still though, as mild as summer has begun a few days of hundred plus degrees isn't much to complain about for a lot of us. I missed last weekend's WRUP so this week I'll pick up where I left off and wish everyone a happy 4th and here's hoping everyone had some safe fun wherever you all happened be during the holiday. I was in Colorado vacationing for a week and I did get to see a cool fireworks show. It had been raining all day and literally about fifteen minutes before the fireworks started the rain stopped. Then on the way back to home base, because the land is so flat in Fort Collins, we counted nine more shows going on at the same time all over the city. Anyway, nobody cares about that shit, let's get to some WRUP.

Time for a cool new handheld gaming device? Perhaps the Super Pocket will entice you with its many retro games built in and expandable cartridges to keep you mashing buttons until you get the dreaded "Nintendo thumb". If you've ever heard of the Evercade, the cool little handheld by Blaze Entertainment - The Super Pocket is produced by a sibling company, HyperMegaTech!, will use the Evercade's cartridges. It'll come with some titles preinstalled that will scratch the nostalgia itch while you play on a roughly GameBoy sized machine and the best part is it'll only cost you about as much a single modern AAA title, (I actually might get one of these). It'll be available later this year in October, Here's more from Gizmodo.

There's not a whole ton of info that I've found about this next one yet, but if you are retro gamer and you remember the weird little platformer, Tomba!, and you liked it... Then rejoice because it's coming to PC... Some day. I never played it myself, I didn't even own a PS1 or know anybody with one. But, there's enough following for folks to bring it to a modern platform so that's great. PC Gamer has the info, but there must be more out there somewhere. If not now then soon. Tomba!, actually sounds like a fun title, perhaps I'll keep an eye out for that as well.

Season one of Diablo 4 is just around the corner and you may as well enjoy your billion damage builds while you can because I have a feeling they'll be gone with the coming patches. For those of you that plan on playing season one, Season of the Malignant, there are some things you'll want to do before you carry forward too far, especially if you're playing pre-season content. You'll want to get on your main character between the 18th and 20th before you make your season one character. This will ensure you get your map and altar progress applied to your seasonal character as well. If you're not doing seasonal stuff, like me, then no worries. You're in the clear and you don't need to worry about it, though it may be a good idea to log in between the aforementioned dates in case you decide to jump in anyway. Otherwise you'll be starting from scratch. Polygon has the best explanation I've seen so far.

That's it from me. I have things to do up to and including weekend gaming.

What are we playing?

Greywolfe: finished up what i want to play of timespinner. to 100% it, it basically wants you to play it three times and man, it's an ok game, but not THAT OK. developers, stop doing this nonsense. if i can't get all the achievements in one run, i'm just not interested. [i say this, knowing full well that i'm going to go and play more infernax at SOME point in the future, because i actually think that game is pretty good. so, yeah. hypocrisy am i. haha.] - now playing/trying culdcept, via someone's suggestion. it's a very love/hate sort of game. i love that it's monopoly ran into magic: the gathering. i hate that the cpu absolutely cheats itself into wins. the game has a dice rolling system, and wouldn't you know it? the game absolutely cheats the dice with /almost/ every roll.

AJ: I recently purchased PS5 ports of the Genesis titles, Tinhead and Panorama Cotton, so I may play those a bit.

Scrooloose: Back from Colorado. Also back to Diablo 4.