Greywolfe (@lostwolfe, YouTube): quest for glory 2, the dig, hearthstone [blackrock mountain] and phantasmagoria. which is very weird to be playing again, twenty years later.
Andrew J Amideo (@Andoro36): Going to do some gaming this weekend! Far Cry 4, Axiom Verge, and Trials Fusion on PS4. Also, there will likely be some Super Mario 64 on the Wii U.
Trisha Baumgartner (twitch): Not going to be playing anything until I'm not sick anymore
Jimmy Vegas (@JimmyPhantom17): Back into Fallout New Vegas
Billy Colley (@Amuntoth): This weekend I'll be working on getting some videos edited as well as the heroin like Pillars of Eternity
Thomas Ortsik (@Dr_Strangethumb): No idea yet. Maybe some Monster Hunter, maybe some Inazuma, maybe some Helldivers. Probably won't have time for Bloodborne, but the itch is strong.
Mike Suszek (@mikesuszek): YES: MLB Manager 2015, MAYBE: Monster Hunter, YES: Working on a game in GameMaker!
Richard Mitchell (@TheRichardM): Bloodborne. Forever.
Sam Prell (@SamPrell): The stars align. I see tentacled, eldritch horrors. It's Bloodborne time.
Susan Arendt (@SusanArendt): Probably try and finish up Captain Toad. Such a nice, relaxing game. (She then added:
All my friends: BLOODBORNE, RAWR! Me: Captain Toad! Time for adventure!)