A mere 40 minutes after going live, Yooka-Laylee's Kickstarter reached its goal of £175,000. Already at £1,054,702 with 45 days to go, the stretch goals are being met almost as quickly as they're posted. Check out what goodies are being added to Playtonic's platformer.
In addition to the basic game's five distinct worlds full of burping and farting oddballs, and secret hidden arcade machines that reveal retro styled challenges, Yooka-Laylee will now include unique boss battles on every level, a quiz show challenge level, character transformations, mine cart sections (oh no, what have we done?), local co-op and versus with several modes, non-English translations, and simultaneous releases for Mac, Linux, Windows, PS4, Wii U, and Xbox One!
We're coming up close to the N64 shader graphics mode, rap video, and developer walkthrough and commentary video.
There will be digital and physical releases with goodies like an artbook, soundtrack CD, t-shirt, and signed posters!