What Jonathan Blow's next game could be like, the Wii that melted, a 3D TV studio, buy one get one free Don't Starve, Xbox One HD remasters, and Sony is the best. Check out the details after the jump!
Jonathan Blow's Next Game Will Be More TraditionalCreator of Braid and The Witness says his next game will not be a puzzle game, instead something "very much recognisable as a traditional videogame."
Wii Could Be Culprit in FireAn incident in a Colorado Springs RV may have been caused by sparks coming from a Wii, causing the console to melt down in smoke and fire.
MS Uses Holographic Studio for HoloLens ContentTo model and capture the action, Microsoft uses a TV studio with more than 100 cameras. This setup allows developers to recreate recorded 3D models in a virtual space.
Buy One Get One Don't StarveYou have until June 28th to get a giftable copy of Don't Starve on Wii U with every purchase of the full game. Go half on it with someone else, or be generous and give someone a great time.
More HD Remasters Might Come to Xbox One"Lots of 360 games I'd like to bring to XB1, [but] only so much time and want to focus on making new games. Not easy tradeoffs," says Phil Spencer of Microsoft's Xbox division.
Sony Says Sony's BestAccording to a new Sony ad for the PlayStation 4, it is "the world's most powerful console." It goes on to feature choice quotes from critics citing that it "defines next-gen," for example. Would you expect any less from the system's own manufacturer?