Mirror’s Edge (2) is still alive

Is Mirror’s Edge 2 still alive? We know that it has somewhat changed, just like you. But for how long must we wait? Do you fear that there is something wrong? Maybe EA’s concrete heart isn’t beating anymore?
Don’t worry, they are still trying to make it come alive. After all: the first one certainly wasn’t a shadow on Dice’s resume, just a red light in the financial books. Time to rescue you from your doubts.

EA just announced that Mirror’s Edge will launch on PS4, XBO and PC in early 2016, sometime between January 1 and March 31.
From what we know so far, it’s a reboot of the IP, establishing the origin of main protagonist Faith and reinventing the role of the “Runners”, the pseudo revolutionary parkour postal service you are part of.

This release date pretty much guarantees that we will see Faith during E3 and/or Gamescom, so look forward for more information very soon.

Source: EA

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