Category: PlayStation

Bloodborne Rest Mode Issues in Multiplayer

For those of you going online with Bloodborne, entering Rest Mode while connected may cause issues upon resuming the game. Sony knows about the problem and is working on a fix.
This is Sony's official statement on the issue:

"Utilizing the new Suspend/Resume feature to put the PS4 into Rest mode without shutting down the game first causes players to be unable to complete matchmaking. Please be sure to restart the game in order to make sure you are able to connect online and matchmake for multiplayer.

This issue will be addressed in an upcoming patch."

Hopefully this will bring more awareness to the issue and how to take the proper steps to resolve it in the meantime.

After Purchasing OnLive, Sony Announces its End

After acquiring the struggling game streaming service OnLive for an undisclosed sum, Sony announces the end of its services later this month.
In a statement from OnLive, they reveal that the company will begin winding down its company and eventually cease operation. Sony states the purchase will lead to "great opportunities for our gamers, and gives Sony a formidable patent portfolio."

Presumably the patents and technologies OnLive used appear to be the primary reason for the purchase, and will be used to beef up the PlayStation Now service.

Source: C|Net

Uncharted 4 isn’t coming out this year

Neil Druckmann just made a post over on PSBlog stating, definitively, that Uncharted 4 will come out next spring. He's aware that "the extra wait will be excruciating". While I don't have too much to add to the matter, I can't say that this surprised me at all. The timing isn't a coincidence either. The Order didn't exactly set the world on fire and with so many games coming out half-cocked last fall, it is safe to say that Naughty Dog isn't willing to leave anything to chance and are making their case for more time early (rather than waiting). Good for you Sony and Naughty Dog. The newest industry trend is the delay (j/k).


Source: PSBlog