Tag: yeah i don’t like microsoft sorry

Opinion: Why I’m Not Crazy About The Direction Microsoft Are Headed With Windows 10.

Words by Greywolfe

We've kind of established that I don't play very many modern games at all.

Some part of this is indifference. A lot of modern gaming tropes seem to boil down to "kill all the things," but a lot of it has to do with the fact that games made over the last fifteen or so years seem to just have no soul at all.

If I've seen one Doom, I've pretty much seen them all. Likewise, while Assassin's Creed seems to slowly be creeping towards something interesting, every iteration just feels like the iteration before with some other gamification going on in the sense that you need to collect MORE of these shiny things.

There are other problems: gaming is moving ever more in the direction of DLC-being-the-game. Recent examples include Street Fighter X Tekken, where Capcom sold you the disk, then locked some of the DLC away on the actual disk they sold you and expected you to fork over money for those locked characters.

On top of that, there's the bugbear of terrible DRM schemes where you need to - for example - login to your Rockstar Social Club account and also Steam before you can bother playing Grand Theft Auto V. This doesn't even bring up the travesty that is Diablo 3. A complete single player game locked behind an internet login.

So, modern gaming is problematic for me.

But more problematic still is the new version of Windows. And Windows 10 is seriously making me re-think my stance on gaming. Read more