The Heat is WRUP

Good morning everyone. It's still hot AF around here and in fact the entire world. The Arctic Ocean is about 15 degrees F warmer than it should be, global heat records have been broken for weeks now and it's another 100 plus day here. Yesterday it was around 124 degrees in Death Valley (that's 51C) and Palms Springs was 120 (48C). A nice chill temperature to run a CPU, but not chill for people and animals who are having a hard time adapting. Take care of your pets folks, it's too hot to not pay close attention. It's supposed to reach 102 here today (~39C). That's hot enough to reach nearly 200 in a car - Don't leave people or animals in a car. They will die. Stay cool out there. There are pools, cooling centers, splash pads and other public options. Movie theaters have great AC. Even simply getting in the shade will help dramatically. Take a short cool shower, use fans... whatever you have to do outside of jumping into a canal or some other wildly unsafe option. Definitely stay hydrated. That means boring old water, by the way, not sodas and sports drinks. As much as I love a good beer, it also doesn't mean beer, sadly. Okay I'm done with my PSA. Time for WRUP. Read more


Oof, it's hot. I think it's supposed to be 106 here today. Still though, as mild as summer has begun a few days of hundred plus degrees isn't much to complain about for a lot of us. I missed last weekend's WRUP so this week I'll pick up where I left off and wish everyone a happy 4th and here's hoping everyone had some safe fun wherever you all happened be during the holiday. I was in Colorado vacationing for a week and I did get to see a cool fireworks show. It had been raining all day and literally about fifteen minutes before the fireworks started the rain stopped. Then on the way back to home base, because the land is so flat in Fort Collins, we counted nine more shows going on at the same time all over the city. Anyway, nobody cares about that shit, let's get to some WRUP. Read more


Good Saturday morning everyone. Summer began in such a mild way this year with our 70's and 80's throughout the month of June. That's almost unheard of here. But, July is upon us and soon the skin will melt directly from our bodies. It's supposed to be 102 here today and up to 107 tomorrow. I'm glad I'm off to Colorado tomorrow morning where I'll be able to enjoy the 80's for another week at least. But hey, you're not here to read a middle aged dude talking about the weather. It's WRUP time. Read more

Notable New Gaming Releases: Final Fantasy XVI, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, and More…

It's a good thing that Square Enix doesn't seem to understand what the word "final" means. Otherwise, their legendary Final Fantasy series might have ended before the '80s did. Thankfully here we are, over 30 years and countless fantastic installments and spin-offs later, with their newest entry, Final Fantasy XVI; and by all indications, it's yet another worthy addition to their long-running franchise.

Also out in the last 8 weeks, the next fantastic installment to Nintendo's legendary Zelda series; a port of one of the greatest arcade horror titles of all time; and a brand new strategy game set in the Alien(s) universe. Fate is written in fire. Jump past the break to see more new releases from the last 56 days.

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Sit Back and WRUP

It smells like rain out there this morning. This has been such a mild, pleasant segue into summer so far this year and it's a welcome change from last years hundred plus degree weeks and wild fires. And speaking of great segues, it's time for WRUP. So smooth... Read more

It’s WRUP I Guess

Hey there everyone, it's me, Scroo. It's been a rather bustling few days and I didn't get the opportunity to get a WRUP on the board yesterday.

Happy father's day to all you dads out there. Hopefully you'll all be enjoying some family time or something along those lines. I'm hosting a BBQ for my own family and a couple of family friends. We're going to grill some burgers and chill with some citronella candles because the mosquitos may as well be starting their own airline service this year. Should be a pretty chill day anyway. But enough about that. Let's get to the WRUP. Read more

Welcome To WRUP

Good morning on a lovely spring day where we're hearing thunder and seeing a warm rain come to clear the air and give us that petrichor smell we all enjoy. This wet weather will cancel my work plans for the day, but I'm not terribly upset about that. I could use a legit day off and frankly I want to play games. Read more

Check This WRUP Out

Well, here we are again for another WRUP. Another busy weekend for me. Today will be the second wedding I'll attend in the past two weeks... for the same family. This month has been super busy because along with regular work scheduling I've also been helping them get things ready for party time. The first one took place at a local venue but this one will be at the mother of the bride's house and man it's been a lot of work. But it'll be a fun time. The groom has made a beautiful three tap bar top out of a downed redwood he milled from his dad's house. The kegs are on ice as of yesterday and I'll be pouring for folks in shifts as the evening goes on. The last time there was a wedding in this same location was about five years ago and there were about 75 people that came. Which is plenty of people to have in a back yard, even it's a pretty good sized yard. This time we're looking at a hundred and thirty people. I think it's going to be crowded but there's plenty of space once the reception starts. Anyway I'm rambling and nothing I'm saying has to do with actual WRUP news, so let's get to it. Read more

It’s True, This Is a WRUP

Well good morning everyone, it's another WRUP day and I'm actually here for it, for a few hours at least. Today I'm attending two events. One here just a couple miles from my place at Sierra Cider. They're doing a sort of chill outdoor farmer's market sort of thing with some music and food that sounds like a nice time. Then this afternoon Deadwood Tattoo shop is holding an open house event with beer, food, music and raffles for free tattoos and/or piercings. Between those two events my day is full.

I also have to look for a new water pump for my truck because of course yesterday it started leaking from the weep hole and squealing. I picked up a bottle stop leak with pump lube hoping it'll get me by for a few days and I'll just have to carry water with me. It's sketchy to run like that though. Potential for break down is high. Busy, busy, but time for a WRUP. Read more