Well by now you've probably already seen Apex Legends. Developer, Respawn, launched this new battle royale, squad based hero shooter on Origin while saying nary a word about it. Kind of bad timing for a title to launch on Origin with Anthem right around the corner, but the games are different so they might stand apart. And here's the thing... I really don't like battle royale games or hero shooters, but Apex is somehow good even for me. Now, I'm not very good at it but I do okay. We do stream it on the Twinstiq, Twitch channel when we play so keep an eye on the Twitter for those announcements if you wanna come see us get plowed by people who actually are good this game. And if you're like me and just feel like everything about Fortnite is effing stupid and you wanna tear your eyeballs out every time you see any footage, or you find PubG slow and boring, or you think Overwatch and Quake Champions are just not quite what you expected, check out Apex Legends, because it really puts together the few good elements from all these kinds of games and makes a fun, totally free, well optimised, good looking title with some solid net code. There are still some small-ish bugs to work out but nothing game breaking. Things like server errors when heading back to the lobby, or the tutorial dialogue overlapping itself and obscuring what's being voiced. But it's easy to learn and again, even I like it. Read more