Good Modern Games Are Now DRM-Free!

There are plenty of high-caliber games on GOG – many of which you might already have seen floating around on Steam.  One thing that GOG does lack though, are truly modern, truly open-world games. [Dr. S would like to add: The Witcher?]
Well, this afternoon all that changed.

GOG are now selling the Saints Row series of games.
You read me correctly.  GOG has somehow wrangled the Saints Row series onto its service.  Admittedly, they don’t have access to all the games, [one was an Xbox exclusive and four will probably remain under Steam with the Steam DRM for as long as they can sell it that way, but that’s SPECULATION on my part, please don’t read anything else into it.] but two and three are most definitely up for the having.

Along with this, the Darksiders games are also coming to GOG. [both I + II plus – weirdly – some DLC for two.]
Lastly, if you’re craving some shooter-based action, Metro, Last Light Redux is on offer as well.

All of the games are currently discounted for this week, so buy them now if you want them cheap, but be aware that in order to get the 75% discount for Darksiders, you will have to fork out for the entire Darksiders bundle.

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