Gamers Care About Nepal

A violent earthquake shook Nepal a week ago, one of the most powerful the region has ever seen, and the death tolls continue to climb. As one of Asia's poorest countries, they have little ability to fund their own recovery. Various game developers are pitching in, and you can do your part as well. Read on to find out how.
Bungie is selling limited t-shirts that come with an in-game shader and emblem for Destiny. Click the shirt to order yours.
The Might & Magic Humble Bundle's American Red Cross proceeds will go towards earthquake relief programs for Nepal.
Even without that much money to spare, Sega's chipping in with proceeds from DLC for four different games plus two million yen going towards helping Nepal recover.
Far Cry 4 was "heavily inspried by Nepal and its people," and Ubisoft's Far Cry development team will be donating up to $100,000 towards the relief effort.
Codename Entertainment will be donating proceeds from virtual items purchased in three of their games, which will be matched by the Canadian federal government.
Now you know how to subsidize these efforts while still putting money into your favorite hobby. Are there any more game related efforts that you've seen, or any in general that you think are worth sharing? Please post them in a comment.

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