Warhammer Rising? Or Getting Watered Down?

Warhammer: Storm of Magic has been announced, and it looks extremely similar to Hearthstone. Granted, the actual card gameplay could be very different, but you're still talking about a card game on the PC with great looking animations. Still, as a lover of all things Warhammer I can't help but be excited about it. I think they should have gone with Warhammer 40,000 in order to help differentiate the game from Hearthstone, but I still like Warhammer Fantasy so for me it's not a total loss. Continue past the break for the video and my thoughts.

This has got to be at least the fifth Games Workshop game announced this year if I recall correctly, which is really a double edged sword. When Relic had the license I really enjoyed Dawn of War 1 and 2, and I couldn't get enough of Space Marine as well. There's something about killing Orks in the far future that really gets my gears going. Still, Relic was relatively reserved with the license, only putting out of a few games in the years that they had the rights to it.Now there are dozens of Warhammer Fantasy and 40,000 games that have recently come out or are coming out soon, and it's starting to worry me. The overall quality has gone down a bit to be sure, more like triple B quality games than the triple A that I felt the Dawn of War games were. That doesn't mean the games are bad, but they are focusing on smaller games with shorter development times and this begs the question:  are they flooding the market?


Not Total Warhammer? Seriously?
That's the worry isn't it? It's great that I'm getting more games in my favorite settings, but if they continue to focus on more simple games will I ever see a Dawn of War 3 or equivalent? I know we're getting Total War: Warhammer sometime in the near future, but Creative Assembly don't exactly have the greatest track record and adding all of the fantasy stuff could mean that the first Total War of this type could be a buggy mess. I think most of us still remember the disaster that was Empire: Total War.  Combine that with lackluster games like Space Hulk (which I still enjoyed), and the horribly ported Kill Team (a game that could have been amazing but was so poorly ported as to be nearly unplayable), and you have to start worrying that people will begin associating Warhammer with mediocre, buggy and unfun games.

Still, with games like Total War: Warhammer, Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide, and Mordheim: City of the Damned on the way with the potential to really be amazing, things aren't entirely hopeless yet.

If Games Workshop can continue to walk this tightrope of allowing smaller developers to develop more simple, cheaper games, while also allowing more experienced devs to build larger and more intriguing games, then things could work out very well for me and the other Warhammer fans out there.

What do you think? Are you already a fan of Warhammer Fantasy or 40,000? Are you excited about all of these games coming out, or the ones which recently came out? Are you just as worried as I am that they might be watering down the brand with less than stellar games? Let us know in the comments down below.

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